Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Sea

I'm drifting.

I let myself float. The familiar tang of salt swirls in my mouth and stings my eyes. It cradles me, its emerald and sapphire waves pushing me back and forth. To and from conciousness.

It's easier this way. I'd rather drown in this place - my place - then to return. The sun, scorching my back until it flakes like autumn leaves - I can take that. I can endure a thousand sharp teeth nipping at clothes, consuming my flesh. Those are nothing compared to the lullaby.

I'm drifting towards the sun. The west. Comforting hues of rubies. The end. It's so much easier this way, letting myself go. The water is nonjudgemental; it doesn't critize or praise. It simply drifts. I close my eyes and slip beneath the waves.

I can't see anything but black. I let the water enter my system, letting it rush into my mouth. I can taste hopes. My virginal dreams and erotic desires dance around on my tongue. They're meaningless now.

I sink towards the bottom. I open my eyes, seeing the sunlight wanes as I plunge into the inky depths. I close them again. I don't care enough to watch. I don't want to watch.

It hurts to breathe. It hurts to move. Am I dying? It sure feels like it. Lethargic limbs, asphyxiation... Seems like some classic signs.

I'm drifting towards the west. The bottom of the ocean. The end of it all. This is what I want. No more people, no more emotions, no more lullabies.

Everything has shut down. I can't feel, can't taste, can't hear. My sight hasn't faltered yet - I see effulgent bands of light. It's nothing like I've ever seen. It's so bright. Blinding.

This is the point when I cover my eyes.

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