Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Amber Twilight

Sit here in the amber twilight
Let the grass fade into comfortable shades
Of gray
Let the skies dissolve into pleasing hues
Of royalties

You sir,
Yes, you - the one with dreams like
Crumpled newspaper clippings
- Is that your heart I see here
Lying at my feet?
Its heartbeat is so quick
A hummingbird trapped behind a ribcage

You miss,
Yes, you - the one with thoughts like
An empty bottle of knock-off vodka
- Is that your mind I see here
Resting in my palms?
Its memories stuck on replay
The film in a tape deck snagged

Sit here in the amber twilight
Let the stars grow from cold tints
Of sapphire
Let the earth seep into dying colors
Of ebony

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